humanitarian response Programme

AIDRO had implemented several humanitarian response projects in different parts of the country. As a result of this the organization had addressed the most pressing needs and gaps of the conflict and drought affected communities.  Accordingly, AIDRO had identified the following intervention thematic areas under its Humanitarian Emergency Response.

AIDRO works with a Strategic goal to contribute for provision of emergency humanitarian service delivery, saving lives and mitigating human suffering, based on comprehensive engagement in relief, recovery, rehabilitation and resilience.


AIDRO implements different protection projects includes Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Child-Protection (CP) in different parts of a country for internally displaced people, refugees and vulnerable host communities. The project also aims to make a significant contribution to the reduction of and response to gender-based violence and child protection problems.

Gender Based Violence

In a response to Gender Based Violence in humanitarian emergency crisis; AIDRO responded in comprehensive strategic ways including GBV prevention, Mitigation and Response intervention and much priority was given to capacitating community in prevention to Gender Based Violence and institutional capacity building for government institutions. 

Few of our work on Emergency GBV programme includes; Provision of immediate and comprehensive lifesaving services to survivors, and GBV risk mitigation for vulnerable women and girls through the following interventions: Clinical management of Rape (CMR), case management (CM); psychosocial support services (PSS) including psychosocial counselling, psychosocial first aid (PFA), social networking and access to information on available GBV services, through women and girls friendly spaces/safe spaces, and establishment and strengthening of GBV referral pathways (to enable access to comprehensive GBV services including legal, medical and livelihood services) to most vulnerable and displaced peoples and people living with disability in the target communities, conduct different awareness rising activities, strengthen GBV risk reduction through strengthening and engaging community protection groups, distribution of dignity kits, provide capacity building and trainings to community volunteers/workers and GBV service providers to enhance service provision and risk reduction for women and girls, and conduct safety audits for GBV risk assessments to inform the project implementation and decisions, among other interventions.

Child Protection

We are committed to supporting children affected by natural and human-induced crises, and to build the resilience of vulnerable families and their children.

AIDRO has supported more than 2,500 highly vulnerable children in its Child protection in Emergency program which included case management, child friendly space services, strengthening community based protection mechanisms, family tracing and reunification, strengthening coordination and communication of response, child protection database management, child protection focused awareness raising, capacity building trainings, individual and group psychosocial support services, life skill development sessions, need based material support for unaccompanied and separated children. It also provided educational, material and psycho social support for conflict affected communities and refugee communities in Ethiopia.

Emergency Shelter and NFI

AIDRO works to ensure that everyone has the right to adequate housing. Thus, AIDRO construct communal and duplex shelter for crisis affected internally displeased peoples in different parts of the country and Refugee camps.  It’s also distribute emergency shelter kits and non-food items for IDPs.

AIDRO contributes to the protection of displaced and other vulnerable groups from life-threatening elements through the distribution of Emergency Assistance Packages, improve living conditions and facilitate access to durable solutions for displaced people. 

Water Sanitation and Hygeine (WaSH)

To support the health and wellbeing of affected populations in the country, AIDRO’s WASH programme address the immediate needs of IDPs, returnee and vulnerable host communities through the provision of comprehensive emergency support.

AIDRO responds to immediate and lifesaving needs through short-term hygiene promotion campaigns, hygiene kit distributions, rapid rehabilitation/ establishment of water and sanitation infrastructure. Hygiene kit distributions provide access to personal and menstrual hygiene management items and are carried out along with hygiene promotion activities, as part of efforts to support the improvement of individual, family and community hygiene practices.

Health and Nutrition programme

AIDRO is implementing emergency health and Nutrition program in different regions of Ethiopia. We are working to improve the access and quality of health service provision in marginalized and hard to reach communities with a primary focus on women, youth and children.

We will mainly be engaged in;

  • Improve access to health professionals to get different trainings to improve their professional capacities
  • Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal and child health.
  • Malaria prevention,
  • System strengthening and supporting the health services provision and facilities
  • Social mobilization, and ensuring behavioral change,
  • improving the health seeking behavior of the community,
  • Prevention of harmful traditional practices,
  • Care and support for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) and PLHIV,
  • Increasing access of communities to health services by availing basic inputs including medicines, medical equipment and construction of health facilities,
  • AIDRO will work on CMAM, SAM, SBCC on nutrition and prevention of hidden hunger and micro nutrient deficiencies.

Working hour

Monday – Friday

  • 8:00 AM – 12:00 AM
  • 01:00 PM – 05:00PM

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